Success on Purpose

Digital Coaching


How to Work Less Hours and Achieve Success in Your Business

By Patrick Juma 4 years ago.

The one major challenge that most small business owners face is balancing between their working hours and striving to achieve business success. Often the business owners tend to work long hours which leads to fatigue, low productivity and other deleterious effects on the business.

So, how do you get your life back while growing your business?

Brief chat with client
Source/Unsplash/Christina Wocintechchat

The solution is to create systems to help automate your most productive activities.

Every activity that you do contains a series of steps that must be completed correctly to be successful. Work smarter by creating a system to repeat the process. Systemize your success!

How do you do that? Ask yourself these three questions.

What are your most productive work activities?

Identify the critical steps required to complete your most productive and rewarding activities. Then, create a "well-oiled machine" to automatically crank out results for you. Systemize those steps through technology, checklists, delegation or by enrolling additional team members — and you will achieve the results you expect — far more often.

Are your systems so automatic that you can delegate them so easily?

To be effective your people must know when, what, where and how to assist you. Your job is to create systems to help them do just that. Automate your most important activities and you will greatly improve your productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Who has already succeeded on the path you have chosen? What systems do they have in place?

When you look at other successful business owners, you will notice that they have set routines. Set established routines for the people around you so that the work gets done whether you are there or not. Create home automation, computer automation, and office automation... these all adds up to incredible productivity gains.

When you to create systems to help automate your most productive activities you will be systematic, automated, prolific, productive, and proficient. You will work less hours yet more productive